Products to power your IoT devices

With thermal energy harvesting, TEGnology’s versatile product line offers a self-sustaining, maintenance-free alternative to battery driven systems.

SensEver® HSI

Increase awareness at production sites to prevent injuries induced by hot pipes or machine surfaces with this self-powered jot surface indicator. SensEver HSI is easy to install on any pipe. A visual signal is emitted when the pipe temperature exceeds the pre-set threshold.

SensEver® Alfa

The SensEver Alfa is a stand-alone power supply for standard IIoT sensors. The product converts the available temperature difference between a machine or pipe and its environment into a regulated and constant output voltage, that can be adjusted from 1.5-9 V.

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The FLEXTEG is a novel thermolelectric generator (TEG). It has a patented design which enables it to work more efficiently and at higher temperatures than existing thermoelectric generators.

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