TEGnology ApS
Alfa Laval Innovation House
Maskinvej 5
2860 Søborg
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How our products leverage the untapped potential of waste heat to power the next generation of IoT devices and renewable energy infrastructure.
Converting Temperature Difference into Voltage
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Animation illustrating how our SensEver® Alfa produces a voltage when placed on a hot surface
TEGs are promising alternative power supply
According to an article published in March 2021 by the news magazine Manufacturing Global, 98% of businesses report that a single hour of interruption affects their productivity, costing them more than € 100,000 (Production downtime due to battery change). In addition, our own investigations at key players in the different industry segments revealed the following challenges related to the use of battery driven sensor systems:
Our Industry-Leading TEG solutions
TEGnology ApS
Alfa Laval Innovation House
Maskinvej 5
2860 Søborg